
Rotary Tennis Fellowship

Er du Rotarianer og spiller tennis? Bli med i International Tennis Fellowhip og Rotarians (ITFR). De har 1800 medlemmer, men mangler representanter fra flere distrikter   og land. 

Guvernør Svein Eystein Lindberg har mottatt denne forespørselen fra Erkki Leego som er ITFR 2019 WC Tournament Director 
 Erkki Leego


Dear governor Svein Eystein Lindberg
I’m asking for your help to reach Rotarians with interest in tennis in your District 2310.
There is International Tennis Fellowship of Rotarians (ITFR), which brings together people with love to Rotary and tennis (http://itfr.org). ITFR has 1800 members, but is missing several districts and countries.
I’m organizing next ITFR 15th World Championship in Tartu, Estonia 23.-31.08.2019 and I’m making an effort to attract new Rotarians to join tennis fellowship. World Championship would be good place to get first impression and meet Rotarians with same interest.
Championship is not high-level sport event, but versatile Rotary gathering with tennis, delicious food, great entertainment and interesting talks among friends. As Rotary event, it’s naturally bound to charity. All tournament remnant fund will be directed to End Polio Now and Maarja Village charity projects (https://itfr2019.ee/charity/).
All information how to join ITFR and participate ITFR World Championship can be found at homepage http://itfr2019.ee/. There is early bird discount for registration with deadline 15.05.2019.
Could you help to share this information to clubs and Rotarians in your District?
Exited and Yours in Rotary,
         Erkki Leego
         Tartu Toome Rotary Club President 2018-2019
         ITFR 2019 WC Tournament Director

Erkki Leego | ITFR 2019 WC Tournament Director, Tartu Toome RC president 2018-2019 |http://ITFR2019.ee
gsm +372 5332 9211 | Erkki.Leego@ITFR2019.ee | skype & FB Erkki.Leego
Where there is a will, there is a way!


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