
Donasjoner til The Rotary Foundation i inneværende år - frist er 15. juni for ordinære donasjoner. Donasjoner kan sendes via transfer og må da være mottatt senest pr. 30. juni om de skal telle for inneværende år. 

Dere kan lese mer om dette i e-posten som er gjengitt under:

Fra: Anja Stokke <Anja.Stokke@rotary.org>
Dato: mandag 30. mars 2020 13:12
Til: Anja Stokke <Anja.Stokke@rotary.org>
Kopi: Anja Stokke <Anja.Stokke@rotary.org>
Emne: March 2020: Deadline for receipt of contributions to The Rotary Foundation sent to Europe Africa Office


Dear Rotarians,


The end of the Rotary year is soon upon us. This is the busiest period for both contributions to the Foundation as well as requests for recognition. I therefore wish to convey a few guidelines to help ensure that all contributions and recognition requests are processed as quickly and as accurately as possible. The following are some important points to remember when making a contribution or requesting recognition from Europe and Africa Office:


TRF Contributions






By adhering to these guidelines, we will ensure that contributions are allocated to the correct fund type and recognition materials are sent as quickly as possible.


Please forward this correspondence to the relevant members in your district.


Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


Yours sincerely,


Espen Malmberg

Foundation Services Manager

Europe Africa Office