Donasjoner til The Rotary Foundation i inneværende år - frist er 15. juni for ordinære donasjoner. Donasjoner kan sendes via transfer og må da være mottatt senest pr. 30. juni om de skal telle for inneværende år.
Dere kan lese mer om dette i e-posten som er gjengitt under:
Fra: Anja Stokke <>
Dato: mandag 30. mars 2020 13:12
Til: Anja Stokke <>
Kopi: Anja Stokke <>
Emne: March 2020: Deadline for receipt of contributions to The Rotary Foundation sent to Europe Africa Office
Dear Rotarians,
The end of the Rotary year is soon upon us. This is the busiest period for both contributions to the Foundation as well as requests for recognition. I therefore wish to convey a few guidelines to help ensure that all contributions and recognition requests are processed as quickly and as accurately as possible. The following are some important points to remember when making a contribution or requesting recognition from Europe and Africa Office:
TRF Contributions
- All contributions need to be received in the respective RI/RF bank accounts by 30th June 2020. Any contribution received after that will be credited towards the new 2020-2021 Rotary year.
- All checks should arrive at this office by 15 June 2020 (to ensure check is cleared by 30th June) with appropriate documentation.
- All Foundation contributions made after 15 June, intended for the 2019-2020 Rotary fiscal year, should be sent via swift transfer in order to be credited on our June 2020 bank statement. Wire transfers must be received prior to 30 June 2020 in order to be counted toward club goals for fiscal year end of 2020.
- All transfers should be accompanied by key information (e.g. club number, club name, or donor name and foundation purpose) to allow the correct allocation to be made to individual, club and district contribution records. Email a copy of the contribution form and/or the multiple donor form, in case of multiple donors, to the appropriate Foundation coordinator to help decrease processing time. See attached staffing list to identify your resource person.
- Last minute contributions can be made via credit card up to 30 June 2020 through the Rotary web site at and must be authorized on or prior to midnight Central Standard Time.
- Be sure to use the current RI exchange rate which can be found on
rates - Requests for corrections will be processed within 90 days of the gift receipt, during the same Rotary year. Corrections cannot be made after the close of the Rotary year.
- It takes 4-6 weeks to fulfill recognition items due to the high volume of requests. Please submit all Paul Harris Fellow requests as early as possible.
- Clubs can view their available Foundation Recognition Points online on
- Individual donors can see their available Foundation Recognition Points online on their Donor History Report available on
- Be sure to include club or district name, ID number and the ceremony date on the request.
- Typed forms are required as they reduce errors and decrease processing times.
- Contribution and recognition forms are linked to this message.
By adhering to these guidelines, we will ensure that contributions are allocated to the correct fund type and recognition materials are sent as quickly as possible.
Please forward this correspondence to the relevant members in your district.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Espen Malmberg
Foundation Services Manager
Europe Africa Office