
Informasjon om GRANTS

Her finner dere informasjon om GRANTS


Dear district Foundation chairs and grants, scholarships, and vocational training teams subcommittee chairs:

We are moving forward on Rotary’s new area of focus! You can now find more information about how we’ll protect the environment in the updated Area of Focus Policy Statements.

This new cause empowers Rotary members to address specific issues that have detrimental effects on the environment comprehensively and opens an opportunity to build on the environmental work we’re already doing in our communities.

The RI Board and Rotary Foundation Trustees added the environment as an official cause earlier this year, and clubs and districts can apply for global grants in this area beginning 1 July 2021. I encourage everyone who wants to apply for a global grant to carefully review the policy statements to ensure that their proposed projects are eligible.

Learn more about protecting the environment. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to Doing Good in the World.


Abby McNear
Director of Grants
The Rotary Foundation


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